Warmer temps are on their way, but it doesn’t have to mean higher energy bills. Use major appliances when energy is less expensive, before 4 p.m. or after 9 p.m. Here are ways to save energy and money while staying cool. First, let’s talk about appliances. They tend to use a lot of energy and heat up your home at the same time. With that in mind, consider the following: 1. Change the way you cook: Turn off the oven and stovetop as much as possible. Relying on microwaves, slow cookers, backyard grills or air fryers are great ways to heat up your food but not your home. If you’re going to use your oven, do it sparingly and during the coolest part of the day. 2. Change how you wash your clothes: Use cold water to wash your clothes so you don’t have to pay to heat the water. Cold water helps reduce wrinkles and remove stains. Washing in cold also helps your clothes last longer, prolong vibrancy and maintain their shape and size. Always aim for full loads of laundry and consider line drying them. 3. Don’t “heat dry” your dishes: When running your dishwasher, turn off the “heat dry” cycle and let dishes air dry instead.
4. Use smart plugs for appliances: Smart plugs allow you to schedule when your appliances are on or off – even remotely. They also help reduce “vampire draw” since appliances still use energy when they’re off but still plugged in. Beyond appliances, here are other great ways to save on energy use:
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December 2024