Strategic Priorities for Advancing Oceanside
Mission Statement:
To Provide Advocacy and Resources That Help Businesses and Our Community Thrive.
Vision Statement:
A Thriving and United Oceanside.
To Provide Advocacy and Resources That Help Businesses and Our Community Thrive.
Vision Statement:
A Thriving and United Oceanside.
BACKGROUND: In 2021, the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce embarked on the development of an ambitious 5-Year Strategic Plan. The process involved extensive outreach to the business community, including phone surveys and focus group meetings with business and community leaders.Using the feedback received from its outreach efforts, the Chamber Board held sessions with a strategic facilitator to help update its Mission and Vision statements as well as identify key areas in which the Chamber will serve the business community in the next five years. The following is an overview of the Chamber’s 5-Year Strategic Imperatives along with action items for 2023.
5-Year Strategic Priorities

Develop a Pipeline of Oceanside Leaders
The Oceanside Chamber of Commerce is committed to the development of leaders to serve in a wide variety of capacities in our community. The Oceanside Leadership Academy was formed to equip participants to serve in a variety of leadership roles such as non-profit boards, City commissions, elected leadership roles, and within leadership succession roles in their own companies.
2023 Action Plan
The Oceanside Chamber of Commerce is committed to the development of leaders to serve in a wide variety of capacities in our community. The Oceanside Leadership Academy was formed to equip participants to serve in a variety of leadership roles such as non-profit boards, City commissions, elected leadership roles, and within leadership succession roles in their own companies.
2023 Action Plan
- Launch inaugural Oceanside Leadership Academy Program in April with a full cohort of 30 participants
- Based on expected success of the Spring session, schedule a Fall session of the Oceanside Leadership Academy in September to accommodate 30 additional participants
- Develop 2024 Leadership Academy reflecting feedback from the 2023 cohorts
Advocate for Business-Friendly Policies
Chamber members clearly identified “advocacy” as one of the most important functions of the Chamber. The Chamber will continue to take the lead in ensuring that our business community has a voice at all levels of government and that business leaders actively participate in the Chamber’s advocacy efforts.
2023 Action Plan
Chamber members clearly identified “advocacy” as one of the most important functions of the Chamber. The Chamber will continue to take the lead in ensuring that our business community has a voice at all levels of government and that business leaders actively participate in the Chamber’s advocacy efforts.
2023 Action Plan
- Actively participate in coalition efforts with other Chambers/Business organizations to defeat “job killer” legislation and support pro-business bills
- Continue local advocacy efforts in support of workforce housing creation
- Proactively support efforts to retain sand on Oceanside beaches
- Convene and collaborate around homelessness and crime issues to advance policies and solutions that will protect the interests of our businesses and their employees
- Continue to equip business owners to champion their own cause more effectively

Champion Strategies to Provide a Skilled Workforce
The Oceanside Chamber’s Workforce Development Task Force is focused on championing awareness of diverse industry positions & needs, while convening resources at all stages of talent development and facilitating business growth through talent pipeline development, skill building, and advocacy to promote individual and community economic empowerment.
2023 Action Plan
The Oceanside Chamber’s Workforce Development Task Force is focused on championing awareness of diverse industry positions & needs, while convening resources at all stages of talent development and facilitating business growth through talent pipeline development, skill building, and advocacy to promote individual and community economic empowerment.
2023 Action Plan
- Continue collaboration on SOCAL initiative to expand participation of Oceanside businesses in this career awareness program. More information is available at Leverage SOCAL for additional learning and promotional opportunities including possible hiring events
- Continue to expand the Rising Star Student of the Month program as a platform to graduating seniors to share their stories of resilience. Increase annual scholarship funding to $35,000
- Launch and analyze workforce needs survey and use data with other programmatic outcomes to apply for sustainable funding
- Continue to focus on talent pipeline building convening strategies with the following professions: advanced manufacturing, automotive repair, the trades, healthcare, biotechnology, food/hospitality
Engage in Political Action/Candidate Endorsements
A key to pursuing business-friendly policies is supporting policymakers that understand the importance of supporting our small businesses. Currently 3 of the 5 Oceanside City Councilmembers were endorsed by the Chamber. The Chamber’s Advance Oceanside Political Action Committee will build on its successes from 2020 and 2022 to support business friendly candidates as they seek local office.
2023 Action Plan
A key to pursuing business-friendly policies is supporting policymakers that understand the importance of supporting our small businesses. Currently 3 of the 5 Oceanside City Councilmembers were endorsed by the Chamber. The Chamber’s Advance Oceanside Political Action Committee will build on its successes from 2020 and 2022 to support business friendly candidates as they seek local office.
2023 Action Plan
- Refine Chamber PAC’s policies and procedures to ensure we are prepared to play a leading role in the critical 2024 Oceanside City Council and Mayoral races
- Raise a minimum of $25,000 to support our 2024 endorsed candidates
- Participate in identifying and developing strong candidates for future races
Serve as a Catalyst for Oceanside's Economic Growth
From active engagement in the City’s general plan update, to highlighting Oceanside’s unique small businesses, the Chamber will continue to serve as a catalyst for the future economic growth of our community.
2023 Action Plan
From active engagement in the City’s general plan update, to highlighting Oceanside’s unique small businesses, the Chamber will continue to serve as a catalyst for the future economic growth of our community.
2023 Action Plan
- Influence infrastructure issues in the General Plan Update with focus on gateway and streetscape improvements. Identify specific gateway projects to advocate for at the northern end of Oceanside
- Advocate for the City to move forward with a plan for the South Morro Hills area of Oceanside
- Promote small businesses through Shop Local events and initiatives as well as “Stay and Play Local” promotions in Best of Oceanside Magazine
- Engage with major project developers on economic opportunities for small businesses related to the developments