On Thursday, August 30th, the Oceanside Chamber’s Business and Community Political Action Committee hosted a forum for the District 1 City Council Candidates. All 4 candidates participated in the forum and answered questions on key issues of concern to Oceanside. District 1 candidates include: Susan Custer, Chuck Lowery, Michael Odegaard, Esther Sanchez. (The Chamber also held a District 2 forum, but due to technical difficulties we are not able to publish a video of that event). Click the "Read More" link to access the video.
Michael Sencer
9/15/2018 03:35:49 pm
Is anything being done to bring back our sand to the beaches in OS?
Oceanside Chamber
9/27/2018 03:56:17 pm
Hi Michael. The dredging project, which has been routinely completed for over 30 years now, was delayed because the USACE did not seek the proper permit from the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board in time for the project to begin at its regularly scheduled time in early April. Because of the delay it is our understanding that the dredging project will not begin until later this year, due to the contractor set to begin the dredging several weeks earlier was now under a commitment to perform another job in another city. 11/3/2018 01:34:05 am
Hi Michael! In my opinion not nearly enough has been done about beach sand replentishment since local geologists acknowledged that most of it comes from seacliff erosion. Anyone priveleged by their military status to access Del Mat beach north of the harbor jetty can attest to the immensely wide sand beach that has grown there thanks to the jetty’s ability to trap the natural flow of sand southward; without the jetty much of that sand would have drifted south to Oceansides formerly wide beaches which have all but disappeared less than a generation after construction of the north harbor jetty. The solution is to dredge not only the harbor entrance but also Del Mar Beach as a permanent program, the increased costs for which can be recovered by the slip fees and ancillary seevices rents from a harbor expansion project that would enable both more and larger yachts to port in Oceanside Harbor. Not only would keeping our own dredging pipes submersed under six feet of sand save annual project permitting and setup costs, but changing the annual project into a permanent harbor improvemrnt program would also bring more tourism dollars into the local economy from San Diego, Dana Point, and Newport harbors. Comments are closed.
December 2024