By Don Reedy Fire Mountain Located between El Camino Real, Oceanside Blvd. and Interstate 5 on the West, This very cool community has prospered and remained one of the most sought after real estate areas in Oceanside. A mix of homes with a history behind many of them dot this area with views to the valleys to the east and the blue Pacific on the west. It's hard not to love this area that seems so quiet, so tucked away, so....well.....neighborly, and the fact that it's right smack dab in the middle of everything you want. Homes in the Fire Mountain Community
Quite a wonderful mix of homes dot this area. Some are mansions. Others are modest. All have a "feeling" about them...a feeling of this is my home. Home prices in this area have fluctuated over the years just as other communities. Currently homes range from $215,000 for a 1 bed/1 bath condo to $1.6 million for a 4bed/5bath nicely sized estate home. The median sold price of homes in this area over the last 12 months (as of September 2, 2015) is $553,000. If you follow price per square foot analytics, then the average price per square foot for sold homes is $314. What to look for in a Fire Mountain Home Here's a couple of things to look for if you're considering a move to Fire Mountain.
Go ahead and browse through some of the active and sold listings in Fire Mountain. Today we can look inside, peruse the views, and get a feel for the community before you set out to capture it door to door. Enjoy, and contact the Chamber if you want any further information on this or other areas. With most of the members of the Chamber active in the communities you're bound to find just the right source. CLICK HERE TO SEE FIRE MOUNTAIN HOMES #themostinterestingmaninrealestate, #OceansideChamber, #firemountain By Don Reedy, The Most Interesting Man in Real Estate 760-802-9713 2/17/2022 06:31:35 pm
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