By Kristi Hawthorne Amanda Gerard’s adaptability and creativity are attributes that she has put to good use. As an avid sewer and designer, she founded a custom clothing boutique in 2018 featuring unique designs with colorful fabrics. Decades ago sewing was taught at school in classes called “Home Economics” and generations of students learned to sew by hand and machine. Those classes have gone the way of shorthand and typing classes (if anyone remembers shorthand and typewriters!) Amanda saw both a need and an opportunity to help others learn to sew. Sew O'side was Gerard’s inspiration to teach sewing through workshops, lessons, “sewing camps” and even sewing birthday parties. She opened a studio off Mission Avenue where children and adults are taught the fundamentals of sewing. Machines are provided and choices of fabrics and projects can be selected. Sewers of all abilities are encouraged to use their imagination. With the advent of COVID-19, Sew O’side was no longer able to offer classes. However, Amanda saw a need and switched gears. She began providing materials for home sewers to make their own masks due to the scarcity of the facial coverings needed by essential employees. With the requirement of all persons 2 years and up required to wear masks implement on May 1st, demand has been even higher. The CDC has recommended the wearing of cloth face coverings in public settings as surgical masks or N-95 respirators are needed for healthcare workers and first responders. They also recommend that cloth face masks be washed on a regular basis. By the first week of May Sew O’side had produced over 4,000 masks and donated over 1,500 to local medical and essential facilities. In addition, they have handed out 1,000 face mask kits and sent out close to 5,000yds of elastic. Amanda says she cannot even begin to tally the yards and yards of fabric used to make the masks. Amanda and her team are proud to be a supplier of masks in a variety of colors and patterns that are comfortable to wear, easy to clean and at an affordable price. |
December 2024