by: Lori Lawson, New Line Associates Cyber security experts have been telling us for several years now that it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when identity theft will impact our lives. We can’t predict it and we can’t prevent it. What we can do is watch for it and be prepared for when it does happen. Although it’s open season on us all year round, it’s more intense around the holidays. We’re distracted with shopping, decorating, preparing for guests, preparing to travel, parties, and more shopping. Identity Thieves are thrilled by this because it makes it easier for them to slip in and out without notice. It may be January and in some cases February before we realize something has happened and by then, the thieves are long gone. Fortunately, if it’s a fraudulent charge, our financial institution will help us out, but if it’s not that, then we need to find a way to deal with it. Here are a couple of things you can do to keep tabs on your money and your identity this holiday season.
Millions of people lose their identity every year. Don’t be one of them. It is true that we can’t prevent identity theft, but we can help ourselves by staying vigilant. Take notice if something doesn’t seem right. Use the above guidelines to make it harder for thieves to disrupt your world. Lori Lawson is a LegalShield Director and is an ID Shield specialist. Her company, New Line Associates is located here in Oceanside and she has been a Chamber member for over ten years. Visit their website at Email her at [email protected] for a free, no obligation fifteen-minute consultation. Comments are closed.
December 2024