by Carrie Chacon, Did you ever wonder how to use, really efficiently use the crisper drawers in your fridge? I did and I have figured it out! Here is a simple look at how to safely store produce and get a little more life from those veggies. The high humidity drawer is good for produce prone to moisture loss. Think of the moisture as what shapes these foods. If they loose their moisture they will dry out wilt, shrivel and doop. And who wants to eat that? Not any 5 year old I know! Keep these foods in the high humidity drawer:
Broccoli Carrots Cauliflower Green onions Eggplant Fresh herbs Strawberries Cucumbers Green beans Watermelon Peppers Leafy Greens Kale Lettuces Spinach Swiss chard Your low humidity drawer is good for produce that puts off high levels of ethylene gas, making the produce ripen too quickly and rot. Keep these foods in the low humidity drawer: Cantaloupes Figs Kiwis Pears Apricots Nectarines Peaches Plums Bananas (ripe) Mangos Apples Most of these fruits I keep on the counter, because we eat them so quickly, but if you over bought or are having a slow fruit eating week toss them in the low-humidity drawer. Keeping our produce fresher longer helps us save money and reduce our waste, that’s a win! Want more food tips? Ask me here! Eat With Joy~ Food Will Taste Delicious. Carrie Chacon, Certified Clinical Nutritionist Owner of SNAC (simple, nourishing, affordable, cooking) pragmas and classes. [email protected] SNAC website! LInkedin Comments are closed.
December 2024