by Kierstin Hill (Published in Oceanside Living Magazine) It all started with a sword. Shirley Indegno gave her husband, Alessio, a sword for a Valentine’s Day present one year and he hung it on their living room wall. Alessio decided to add more decoration to the sword and asked his wife if he could paint a lion’s head above it. “You can paint anything but a lion’s head,” is what she responded with before leaving for the afternoon. She returned home a few hours later to find a 10 foot tall castle painted in her living room next to the sword. The extreme renovations had begun. A short while after that, Alessio, Shirley and their three kids took a vacation to Las Vegas and stayed in the Paris Hotel. While walking around the Paris Hotel, decorated as a replica of Paris, Alessio said to Shirley “I can do this. I can make the inside of our house look like this.”
Alessio is a general contractor and had all the necessary skills and tools to transform his living room into like Paris. “I don’t really watch TV and I get bored easily. One thing led to another and now, well here we are,” he said pointing to the inside of his living room, decorated with an outdoor Café in the corner, A’ Hotel under his front door and the “flor de lie” painted on the wall. Alessio said instead of watching TV at night, the family sits on the couches in the Café room and enjoys the ambiance while discussing their day. Being the entrepreneur that he is, the project spun into another contracting business for Alessio - Extreme Renovations. “Extreme Renovations will transform an ordinary space into an extraordinary place,” is the tagline for the new business. The Paris living room is only the beginning for extreme renovation family. Alessio’s son requested that his bedroom be converted into a New York-style loft and his two daughters want an underwater-themed room. The Indegno house is already an extreme example of a one-of-a-kind house and Alessio and his family are only continuing to gather more and more ideas for beautiful household renovations. Alessio can be reached at (760) 908-1578 if you or anyone you know would like a room, building or office “extremely renovated.” Comments are closed.
December 2024