At a candidates forum on September 27th sponsored by the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce’s Business and Community Political Action Committee (BACPAC), the candidates for Oceanside City Council were asked a series of 7 questions requiring a “yes” or “no” answers. This yes/no format was used to ensure that each candidate’s response was clear and could be impartially scored. These questions specifically related to business issues and were designed to evaluate a candidate’s “business friendliness”. The questions included issues related to commercial development, zoning, replenishing sand on our beaches and the downtown area. To assure there was no bias in favor of any one candidate, the “business friendly” response was determined prior to the forum. Here are the results of the candidate responses in order of their “business friendliness” as determined by the yes/no questions. Jack Feller - 6 out of 7 responses were business friendly Daniel Dumouchal - 5 out of 7 responses were business friendly Steve Hasty - 5 out of 7 responses were business friendly Linda Gonzales - 5 out of 7 responses were business friendly Ward O’Doherty - 4 out of 6 responses were business friendly (declined to respond to 1 question) Victor Roy - 4 out of 6 responses were business friendly (declined to respond to 1 question) Esther Sanchez - 3 out of 5 responses were business friendly (declined to respond to 2 questions) For detailed information on the candidate’s responses to these and other questions, view the entire forum below. Comments are closed.
December 2024