In our last episode I introduced you to the seven retirement killers: Taxes, inflation, market losses, major medical illness, a late start to saving, college for your kids, and the death of a breadwinner. In this issue, I’m going to focus on taxes. If your retirement money is taxable, you can’t possibly know how much money you will have in retirement. That’s because you have no idea how high taxes will be when you retire. Which means, you don’t know how much of your money the government is going to let you keep. To protect yourself, you need to a create lifetime tax free retirement income stream that will fully support the retirement lifestyle you want. The only way to do that is to use a permanent cash value life insurance policy as your primary retirement savings vehicle. The money will grow tax-deferred just like your qualified plan. In retirement, you pull the money out tax free in the form of policy loans. Moreover, because the money is tax free, it’s not pushing you up into a higher tax bracket for other retirement income that is taxable. This means you could save even more tax dollars on your 401(k) or IRA, and Social Security.
You can’t control how high taxes go, but you can control whether or not your money is taxable. Creating a tax free retirement income with a permanent cash value life insurance policy is a key first step to building the retirement of your dreams. In the coming episodes, I’ll focus on how to protect you and your family from all seven of the retirement killers. So remember to absolutely make sure you come back here next week for another edition of the Alemian file. In the meantime, check out and “LIKE” the Alemian file Facebook page, or simply go to If you have questions, send me an email to [email protected], because I answer every email I get.
Liam White
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