The deadline & grace period for companies that have a 100 employees or more has passed with the CalSavers program. CalSavers is the state mandated retirement law that is being rolled out over three years. Companies should expect to receive a notice from the state advising the company to enroll in the state program or find their own 401k. That is where Scott Smith can help answer questions. Businesses all over our country have enough on their plate just trying to get their business up and going again. Businesses in California haven't noticed the extra item on their plate. It is California Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program. CSCRSP, also known as Calsavers, was passed in 2016 to help millions of Californian's save for retirement. The program was delayed for three months because of pandemic. Participation is required and there are two choices. Participate in the state IRA program or acquire a 401k plan. Depending on the number of employees, the important dates are listed below. However, the June 30th deadline for 5 - 49 employees is fast approaching! Many 401k plans offer a menu of investment choices that may not change. PAI offers a managed 401k where the funds periodically change to ensure that participant performance stays on track.
See CalSavers for additional information and email Scott Smith to learn more about the benefits of a 401k through PAI.
Harry Smith
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