People at high risk for skin cancer should have regular skin exams Skin cancer is an ongoing health problem in the United States. More than two people die of skin cancer in the US every hour. One in five Americans will be diagnosed with some form of skin cancer in their lifetime. By District Attorney Summer Stephan
Ransomware is a massive problem that doesn’t just affect corporations. It’s also a danger to ordinary citizens and government entities. Ransomware locks out the rightful user of a computer or computer network and holds the information hostage until the victim pays a fee. Hackers are also known for threatening to leak sensitive information to get victims to meet their demands. 6 things to know about dietary supplements before taking them
Walk down the vitamin and mineral aisle of your local drugstore. You’ll see rows of capsules, liquids and powders listed as dietary supplements. Their labels claim they can help improve your health and well-being. But are dietary supplements necessary for your health. By District Attorney Summer Stephan
You never know when life – or a manufacturer – might throw you a lemon. That’s why consumers should understand what warranties will and will not cover. A product may be defective upon delivery or become defective over time. Product warranties acknowledge this possibility and generally allow consumers to seek product repair, replacement, or refund within a designated time after purchase. Prepare questions, follow COVID protocols, use patient portal and more You’ve waited several weeks to see your doctor, but after you leave the office you still have questions, and you don’t quite understand your diagnosis. If this sounds familiar, it’s time to improve your relationship with your physician.
A good patient-physician relationship can go a long way in helping you stay healthy — and getting the care you need when you’re not feeling well. (Oceanside, CA) – The Oceanside Chamber is excited to announce the launch of their new website! Updated elements of the old site combined with improved features are designed to enhance visitor experiences, promote Oceanside’s growth, and share the work of the Chamber.
By: Jacqueline Farkas, Social Marketing Boutique
Jacqueline Farkas, Founder/Marketing Consultant of Social Marketing Boutique, thrives on ways to support the Local Business Community and provide Service-based Businesses with customized Marketing Solutions to help them grow their Business and build their Online presence. By District Attorney Summer Stephan
Deciding to install solar panels is an important financial decision. If done improperly, the installation can damage your home leading to costly repairs. Many solar contractors are honest and reliable, but not always. Inevitably there are cheaters working the system and preying upon the unsuspecting. Sometimes they are rogue contractors, but mostly they are unlicensed fraudsters who cut corners or skip town with your money. Most parents of school-aged kids are well aware that COVID and its accompanying policy changes have greatly impacted our children’s education. A majority of schools have transitioned to online learning – which has proven to be challenging for a great many kids. It’s not always easy for teachers to connect with and cater to the individual needs of every student, even under normal circumstances, and it’s far more challenging for students to feel connected to their teachers in this environment as well.
The deadline & grace period for companies that have a 100 employees or more has passed with the CalSavers program. CalSavers is the state mandated retirement law that is being rolled out over three years. Companies should expect to receive a notice from the state advising the company to enroll in the state program or find their own 401k. That is where Scott Smith can help answer questions.
Businesses all over our country have enough on their plate just trying to get their business up and going again. Businesses in California haven't noticed the extra item on their plate. It is California Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program. CSCRSP, also known as Calsavers, was passed in 2016 to help millions of Californian's save for retirement. The program was delayed for three months because of pandemic. Participation is required and there are two choices. Participate in the state IRA program or acquire a 401k plan. Depending on the number of employees, the important dates are listed below. However, the June 30th deadline for 5 - 49 employees is fast approaching!
By District Attorney Summer Stephan
The figure is astounding – more than $11 billion in unemployment funds bilked from the state’s Employment Development Department. Greedy cheaters and prisoners lied about who they were to receive benefits as claims soared amid the pandemic. At the same time, we saw deserving recipients of EDD struggle to get their much-needed payments. My office is working hard to bring accountability to prisoners who stole money through fraud. In the meantime, we want to provide you with information to keep you safe from becoming a victim of fraud. For over 10 years VANC has been committed to serving Active Duty and Military Veterans and for their service to our military men and women the Oceanside Chamber recognizes them as our Member of the Quarter.
The Oceanside Chamber of Commerce celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2021. Established in 1896, it is the oldest business in Oceanside. Over its long history, its role as a business and community advocate continues to be an important one.
It can be easy to walk past the homeless person on the corner, the woman lying on the street, or the man at the intersection holding a handwritten sign. They become almost invisible to many. But families are among the most invisible -- you don’t often see them on the street, but chances are they are living in a parked car somewhere.
February 1, 2021
by Jim Pruitt, Project Manager Military Appreciation Resource Magazine Camp Pendleton is a quarterly publication and publishes in January, April, July, and October. The magazine’s purpose is to put businesses and their products in front of Marines on Camp Pendleton. Oceanside Police Officer Charles Dabney patrols the City in which he grew up in. He is familiar with the streets, neighborhoods and the people. Like many of his fellow officers, he has a vested interest in the community in which he serves and is called to protect. Officer Dabney is one of several success stories of the Oceanside Police Department’s Explorer Program, one he joined as a teenager that fostered his interest in law enforcement.
Provided By Dr. Gene Ma, Chief Medical Officer, Tri-City Medical Cente ![]() “My dad had a stroke and he can’t speak but there’s nothing more that can be done.” These were the helpless words of a friend who called to share with me that his dad had lost valuable time wandering around his wholesale membership warehouse store because he had suddenly been unable to communicate. By the time he was taken to his local hospital, it was too late to treat him with a clot-busting medication often used in severe stroke cases. “Ask the doctor if there’s a thrombectomy capable stroke center in the region and if there is, request an immediate transfer,” I responded. Stroke care has evolved dramatically since I started practicing emergency medicine almost 25 years ago. What remains a constant, however, is that time is critical. Delays in seeking care can be catastrophic, as would have been the case here. I’ve witnessed time and again the miraculous recovery after a stroke victim arrives paralyzed on one side of the body and is treated with tissue plasminogen activator(tPA). For patients who seek care within 3 hours of a stroke, this life-altering, clot-busting medication helps open up a clogged artery in the brain responsible for loss of function.
My friend’s experience impressed upon me how important it is for patients to recognize that stroke care no longer stops at 3 hours. Fortunately, for his dad, a regional Thrombectomy Capable Stroke Center was nearby. As the human brain is exquisitely intolerant of diminished oxygen flow from a stroke, he was expeditiously transferred to the regional facility where specialized doctors called neuro-interventional radiologists used a small artery to tunnel a catheter into the arteries in his brain and retrieved the blood clot. Thanks to the skill of those specialists at that advanced stroke center, he recovered almost immediately and today, you would never know he was almost left with what would have been a disastrous, life-altering deficit. The data is irrefutable. People are waiting too long at home to seek emergency care when needed, for fear of COVID. We as emergency physicians are witnessing devastating strokes, heart attacks, infections, diabetic complications and many other preventable illnesses because of delays in seeking medical help during this pandemic. The reality is that COVID isn’t contracted in hospitals, but out in the community when we let down our guard(and our masks). Yet heart attacks and strokes lack the courtesy to wait out the pandemic. Here’s what you can do to ensure the best possible outcomes for yourself and your family during these trying times:
About The Author Dr. Gene Ma has served as an emergency department physician at Tri-City Medical Center for over 19 years and is Tri-City’s Chief Medical Officer. By District Attorney Summer Stephan
The pandemic has shifted life for everyone over the last year, but perhaps one of the most vulnerable groups include children, who are spending more time than ever online. Through everyday scrolling, online gaming and Zoom learning, predators have unprecedented access to kids. With the so much dependence on technology and the web, children are increasingly at risk of befriending strangers online. The Bread of Life has served the Community for over 20 years by fulfilling their simple mission: Meeting the needs of those who are hurting, hungry, and poor with the love and grace of Jesus Christ.
While the challenges of 2020 still linger, our focus for 2021 is economic recovery. Our business community is characterized by resiliency, determination and optimism. Here’s a quick look at why some of our business leaders are optimistic about the coming year.
The New Year is a chance for “New Strategies”, “New Resolutions”, and “New Ideas”.
For Entrepreneurs it is a time to review and update plans, projections, procedures, budgets, goals, marketing calendars and more. It is exciting and yet daunting-especially when you are in the midst of the day-to-day operations. Or maybe you have decided this is the year for you to follow your dream and be you own boss. By District Attorney Summer Stephan
The end of the pandemic is in sight. The Pfizer vaccine has been approved by the FDA and the first phase of distribution to states has begun. In addition, the Moderna vaccine is on the verge of FDA approval. Even though the vaccine will eventually be available to all Americans free of charge, we are months away from that prospect and the demand will greatly outpace the initial supply. Pfizer and eventually Moderna will distribute 100 million doses each in the U.S. The distribution of these 200 million doses will be divided among the states based on populations. By District Attorney Summer Stephan
With roughly 1.2 million San Diegans out of work due to the COVID-19 pandemic and seasonal fluctuations, many people are looking for work-from-home opportunities. Scammers are eagerly victimizing would-be employees on two fronts: through bogus work-at-home offers that require substantial upfront investment and through online resume harvesting that results in identity theft. In August, the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce announced its endorsements for the 2020 City of Oceanside elections. The Chamber Board of Directors voted to support Ryan Keim for District 3 and Peter Weiss for District 4. Both candidates won their respective district races within crowded candidate fields.
December 2024