SDG&E recognizes that this can be a challenging time for many customers and may be able to help if you are having trouble paying your bill. You may be eligible for programs and services that can provide immediate financial assistance and help you avoid interruptions in your service. Flexible payment arrangements are available to help you pay down past due balances. Learn more at
Rep. Levin & MiraCosta College Officials Announce $1 Million for New Workforce Training Program1/25/2023
New Funding Will Create Hands-On Courses to Prepare Students for High-Demand, High-Skilled Jobs Oceanside, CA – Rep. Mike Levin (CA-49) hosted a press conference with MiraCosta College officials, students, and employers to announce new funding for the college’s Technology Career Institute’s (TCI) accelerated skills-based training programs. Are there areas in your home that are too hot or too cold, no matter the thermostat setting? If the answer is yes, it could be conditioned air escaping through gaps in your home. Sealing those gaps is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to save your energy dollars and increase comfort.
Fundraising event on March 11 to help expand critical services for older adult health care
SAN MARCOS, Calif. (December 20, 2022) – TrueCare™ will host its “Havana Nights” Grand Gala on March 11 from 5:30-10:00 p.m. at The Seabird Resort in Oceanside. The event, themed as “a sizzling night in old Havana,” will support TrueCare’s expanding services for older adults and seniors with complex health needs, as well as the ongoing demand for telehealth visits and quality, affordable, healthcare. Natural gas prices are at a historic high and winter bills could soar due to extraordinary market conditions nationally. SDG&E has programs and services to help mitigate these increases. Visit or to find out if you qualify for debt forgiveness, one-time payments, monthly bill discounts and more. And, for more information, you can read this article on SDG&E’s NewsCenter page at
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December 2024