City of Oceanside and Waste Management Celebrate America Recycles Day by Teaching the Community to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Right Through Online Learning Modules Ahead of the holiday season and before you receive bundles of cardboard deliveries, the City of Oceanside and Waste Management invite the community to learn how to "Recycle Right" In celebration of America Recycles Day on November 15, the City will be launching online interactive activities for the whole family. America Recycles Day is a national initiative aimed at promoting and celebrating environmental citizenship and taking action to reduce, reuse, repair, recycle, and rethink in every aspect of life. The average American produces roughly 4.2 pounds of trash each day. It is important now more than ever to increase and improve recycling at home, school and in the community as a whole.
“Students for Zero Waste” is an online learning platform, created in partnership between the City, Waste Management, and BCK Programs, that includes a 6-part online tutorial series geared towards “Recycling Right”. The tutorials are broken into three sections for K-3rd, 4th-7th, and 8th-12th learning grade levels. Throughout the tutorials, students are encouraged to play an active role in their community by integrating zero waste into their everyday lives. “We are excited to be able to offer online resources and tools for students, teachers and parents,” said Colleen Foster, Environmental Officer with the City of Oceanside. “Whether students are learning in person or virtually, these online tools will highlight the importance of zero waste and bring Oceanside one step closer to our goal of achieving a 75-90% diversion and recycling rate." The City of Oceanside is committed to zero waste with a goal of 75-90% diversion from landfill by 2020. Residents, business and visitors can find zero waste resources and tutorials at These resources will also be featured by CalRecycle and the California Environmental Protection Agency virtual celebration of America Recycles Day. Those interested in learning more about the tutorials may visit Comments are closed.
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