The City Council, City Manager and staff at the City of Oceanside want you to know that we are here and working hard to provide services to the Oceanside community and to safeguard the health and safety of residents. The City's Emergency Operations Center is activated and meeting, reviewing and updating plans and preparations to anticipate and respond to developments in our community. First responders are fully staffed, trained, and protecting our community and responding to calls for emergency service. Oceanside’s water facilities are in full working order and ready to continue meeting the community's needs. Our water treatment processes include filtration and disinfection. This removes and kills viruses, including COVID-19, bacteria and other pathogens. !We are in close daily contact with the San Diego County Department of Public Health and are implementing all recommendations of County, State and Federal authorities. We have closed our public counters for now, but we continue to provide customer services, while protecting the health and safety of our residents, visitors, and employees, and doing our part to help slow the spread of the coronavirus.
What’s New Last night, the Governor announced new public health “Stay at Home” Orders for the State of California. To slow the spread of the coronavirus, everyone is required to stay home except to get food, care for a relative or friend, get necessary health care, or go to an essential job. If you go out, keep at least 6 feet of distance. Residents may still go outside, walk your dog, go to the store, etc. but reducing social contact can help slow the spread of this coronavirus and keep our community healthy. Read the full Executive Order. Some people working in “critical infrastructure sectors” will still be going to work every day. This includes sectors such as food and agriculture, transportation systems, healthcare, water, government, energy, communications, etc. The City of Oceanside remains open providing you with essential services like water, police, fire, communications, and more. Information about the Critical Infrastructure Sectors. How long will this last? The Order went into effect last night, and is in place until further notice. We’ll take it day by day. What can I do? What’s open? Essential services will remain open such as:
What’s closed?
What about parks and beaches? As long as people maintain the proper distance, parks and beaches will remain open. Model the right thing to do, help your fellow community members stay safe. Latest number of Confirmed Cases The County released the latest number of confirmed cases of COVID-19. As of today, March 20, there are 105 confirmed. They shared a City-by-City report which is on the City’s webpage. The County is stressing that people with mild and moderate symptoms, which is the vast majority, don’t need to be tested as long as they are not in a high-risk category. Senior Citizens Oceanside residents ages 60+ can arrange for meal delivery through "Serving Seniors" by calling (760) 435-5285. There are also new food distribution resources for all in need listed on the City COVID-19 webpage. Some Oceanside businesses have begun reserving the first hour for seniors or those with compromised immune systems to shop. We encourage you to call ahead and see if that's an option at your favorite grocery store. City Council meetings Next week’s March 25, 2020 City Council will continue. Watch it live on KOCT’s Government Channel 19 or live stream it on their website. This meeting will be conducted in accordance with Governor Newsom’s Executive Order 28-20 relating to the Covid-19 virus. That order suspends several provisions of the Brown Act related to telephonic participation by the City Council, staff members and the public. Due to applicable Public Health Orders, the City Council chambers will not be open to the public and City Council members have the option of participating telephonically. You’re encouraged to watch the meeting on KOCT Cox Channel 19 live and provide written comments on agenda items via email to our City Clerk. Comments will be received until the Mayor calls the item. While emailed comments is preferred, the public may also provide oral comments on agenda items by calling (760) 435-5999. When prompted, the caller should identify the agenda item they wish to speak about and leave a message not to exceed three minutes. All timely received telephonic comments will be shared with the members of the City Council and will be made publicly available at on the city's webpage. The deadline to leave a telephonic comment is noon on March 25, 2020. If you have special needs because of a disability which makes it difficult for you to submit comments via email or telephonically, please contact the City Clerk at (760) 435-3001 by noon Monday March 23, 2020, to make arrangements to accommodate your disability. City services All City employees are considered disaster service workers, meaning we are here for you during an emergency. We are working our regular hours, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Fridays. If you need anything, give us a call 760-435-4500 or for 24/7 information, call 211. Stay informed To keep Oceanside informed, we have a COVID-19 informational web page which is frequently updated with information on how to access services, available financial resources and news surrounding this evolving situation. You can also get updated information on the City's social media platforms and newsletter. Sign up! Comments are closed.
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