Friends Amateur Photography Contest 2021 Winner: Pure Joy by Heidi Gauthreaux The Friends of the Oceanside Public Library are once again hosting a photography contest and invite community members of all ages to participate. The contest is open to San Diego County residents and the images must be taken in Oceanside. Entries will be accepted from April 1 through May 15, 2022, and the theme is Capturing Your City: Urban Life – everyday encounters and random events in public spaces that best represent Oceanside to each participant. The entry fee is a $10 donation for two images or an $18 donation for five images. Each image must include the photographer’s name, the image title, and the image location. The contest has three categories: Adults ages 21 and over, Teens/Young Adults ages 14-20, and Youth ages 0-13. A panel of judges will select one winner and one honorable mention in each category, with prizes being awarded to the winners. The prizes are a seven day stay Casitas Del Monte in Palm Springs for the winner of the adult category, a GoPro HERO9 Black Action Camera for the teen/young adult winner, and a $150 Amazon gift card for the chosen youth winner. For additional information and to submit entries between April 1 and May 15, please click here. Contest winners and honorable mentions will be announced on May 27, 2022. The winning and honorable mention recipients’ images may be displayed at the Oceanside Civic Center and Mission Branch Libraries; at Jane and Evie’s Used Books, a Friends of the Oceanside Public Library bookstore; and featured on the contest website and in the Friends quarterly See Gull newsletter. The mission of the Friends of the Oceanside Public Library is to support and promote the services and resources of the Oceanside Public Library through community involvement, volunteer activities, and fundraising. For information about the Friends, please visit the Oceanside Public Library's website or call (760) 435-5560 11/23/2023 03:46:08 pm
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