The City of Oceanside instated a hard closure of parking lots west of the train tracks, and a soft closure of beaches. The closure of parking lots has minimized occupancy and increased distancing at the beach. The soft closure of Oceanside beaches means that gatherings are not permitted. Active recreation such as walking, jogging, or surfing is acceptable, but people need to maintain their distance from others and not linger. Beach picnic areas are closed. City playgrounds are closed. Lifeguards are monitoring the beach and making reminders via speaker. Over 75 social distancing signs are placed. The City also closed its iconic fishing Pier today due to the distancing and non-gathering requirements to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Anticipated warm weather heightens the concern of people gathering too close together to walk the Pier.
The State’s web site regarding their order indicates that outdoor recreation is allowed: “So long as you are maintaining a safe social distance of six feet from people who aren’t part of your household, it is ok to go outside for exercise, a walk or fresh air.” Additionally, “California State Parks have closed indoor facilities and campgrounds, but outdoor spaces are still open. Spending time outdoors can lead to a number of overall health and wellness benefits like lessening anxiety, boosting creativity and getting your vitamin D. If you decide to make a trip, remember to keep social distance.” Model the right thing to do, help your fellow community members stay safe. Each one of us has a vital role in this. If you do go out, please keep a 6’ distance between yourself and another. Check the City’s webpage for COVID-19 updates and sign up for news announcements. Comments are closed.
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December 2024