The COVID-19 emergency is causing financial hardships for many Oceanside residents and businesses. The City is working on measures which may help alleviate financial worries. EXPANDED MEAL PROGRAM
The Oceanside City Council voted this evening to provide additional financial support to expand meal programs to any family or individual in need at this time. SPECIAL MEETING TO PROHIBIT EVICTIONS The Oceanside City Council will hold a Special Meeting on Thursday, March 26, 2020, at 2:00 p.m. to consider a ban on residential and commercial evictions during these trying times. Mayor Peter Weiss called for the Special Meeting following the Governor’s executive order that authorizes local governments to pause evictions for renters through May 31, 2020. OCEANSIDE UTILITY SERVICE RELIEF PROGRAM FOR BUSINESSES The City of Oceanside has created a utility service relief program for businesses that must remain closed to the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of the program is to support Oceanside’s local business community and provide relief for water, sewer and solid waste utility services by temporarily stopping all utility services and charges. For more information regarding the Program please call (760) 435-3900 or visit the webpage. WATER UTILITY SHUT OFFS SUSPENDED We realize many in our community are being affected by this crisis. Water utility shut-offs for non-payment are suspended during this emergency declaration time period. Customers may call to discuss deferring a payment: (760) 435-4500. STREET SWEEPING PARKING ENFORCEMENT SUSPENDED Street Sweeping Parking Enforcement was suspended until further notice. Other parking laws still apply, and Parking Enforcement will follow up on complaints of blocked driveways or hydrants. Payment is still required in pay lots and meters. NEW STATE / COUNTY RESOURCES MORTGAGE ASSISTANCE FOR HOMEOWNERS - The Governor’s Office announced today that many major banks and credit unions will provide a 90-day waiver, or grace period, on mortgage payments for those struggling due to the coronavirus outbreak. Eligible homeowners would be able to defer mortgage payments for at least three months if they suffer hardship due to the pandemic. This will not impact credit scores. Check with your lender to see if this will apply to your mortgage. UNEMPLOYMENT - The Governor’s Office announced today that unemployment claims will provide $600 beyond what the state will supply for a four-month period. COUNTY PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS to continue; Renewals, Status Reports will be deferred. Medi-Cal, CalWORKs, CalFresh and General Relief benefit payments for current customers will continue uninterrupted through April, May and June and certain paperwork is deferred until further notice. More. OTHER NEW RESOURCES CDC SMALL BUSINESS LOANS - CDC Small Business Finance has officially launched their emergency loan program. WHAT’S OPEN / CLOSED BEACH LOTS CLOSED The City of Oceanside is following the state’s lead on state beaches and outdoor recreation areas. We need to remind everyone about the physical distancing rule of at least 6’ from others not in your household. Many people are following social distancing orders, but that can be difficult to maintain when there are large numbers of people at the beach. To that end, beach parking lots are closed to minimize occupancy and increase distancing. People may still take a walk at the beach, but need to maintain their distance from others. We will revisit this concern if new guidance is issued by the State or County regarding outdoor recreation areas. E-signs have been placed at beach areas with reminders. Lifeguards are making announcements and monitoring the beach for compliance. We will revisit this concern if new guidance is issued by the State or County regarding outdoor recreation areas. CITY PARKS OPEN / PLAYGROUNDS CLOSED City parks will remain open, consistent with State messaging: “As long as you are maintaining a safe social distance of six feet from people who aren’t part of your household, it is ok to go outside for exercise, a walk or fresh air.” However, playgrounds and picnic/gazebo areas are closed, and signage is posted at parks to maintain social distancing in fields/walkways. This includes skate parks/skate areas. We have posted signage at skateparks and will periodically monitor; however, it’s difficult to close this amenity since many of the skate parks/areas are not enclosed by fencing. We will revisit this concern if new guidance is issued by the State or County regarding outdoor recreation areas. CITY SERVICES All essential City services will continue. The City's Emergency Operations Center is operating and daily briefings are held. A continuity of operations plan was developed to ensure each essential position has back-ups and our Public Safety personnel are trained and ready to respond in our community. Video message. City public services counters are closed. If you have City business to conduct, please access services online or phone (760) 435-4500 for instructions on where to drop plans, payments, or for any other information. The Oceanside Police Department is enforcing as needed to ensure compliance with mandates for businesses to remain closed, except for those businesses included in the Governor’s directive. The Oceanside Public Library is providing virtual story times on social media, and free e-resources on their website. Oceanside Parks and Recreation is providing social media contest to engage its customers virtually. Updates are continually posted on the City COVID-19 webpage, STAY UP TO DATE Visit the City's COVID-19 webpage and sign up for news updates, or follow us on social media to stay up to date on local Oceanside news. San Diego County residents can receive information about the novel coronavirus via text. To sign up, text COSD COVID19 to the number 468-311. Leave a space between COSD and COVID19. FOR INDIVIDUAL QUESTIONS If you have individual COVID-19 questions, please talk to your health care provider. For community resources, please call 211 or visit or the County’s Coronavirus Disease webpage. Comments are closed.
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