Rep. Mike Levin Honors Oceanside VFW Post and DAV Chapter Chaplain William E. Walker Senior12/14/2020
San Juan Capistrano, CA – Today, U.S. Representative Mike Levin (D-CA) announced that in celebration of Veterans Day, North County resident Chaplain William E. Walker Senior is the November Constituent of the Month. Chaplain Walker has dedicated his life after service to supporting veterans and their families, currently serving as Post Chaplain of Oceanside Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Memorial Post 10577 and Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Tri-Cities Chapter 95. See below for Rep. Levin’s statement recognizing Chaplain William E. Walker Senior in the Congressional Record:
“This Veterans Day, I am honored to recognize Chaplain William E. Walker Senior, Post Chaplain of Oceanside Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Memorial Post 10577 and Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Tri-Cities Chapter 95, as my Constituent of the Month. A true American patriot, after returning from serving in the United States Marine Corps (USMC) from 1976-1988, and receiving the Combat Action Ribbon for his service in Saigon, Vietnam, Comrade Walker worked at Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) for 15 years until his retirement. “Following his retirement and feeling that his service for this country wasn’t over, Chaplain Walker made himself a fierce ally and fighter for veterans throughout North County. Dedicated to his convictions and supporting his fellow veterans, Chaplain Walker is especially known for visiting, calling, or helping wherever he can for VFW and DAV comrades who are in nursing homes, hospitals, rehab clinics, homebound, or in need of assistance. His commitment to the ministry and duties of Chaplain are beyond reproach, always there to lend a hand, offer spiritual guidance, and prayer. “Chaplain Walker’s service for local veterans groups in California’s 49th Congressional District is commendable. During an especially difficult time for our country as the COVID-19 pandemic swept through the nation and our community, Chaplain Walker continued to go above and beyond in helping local veterans and their families during a desperate time of need. Volunteering with the North County Food Bank, Chaplain Walker loaded his car with food and supplies to distribute to homebound veterans and veteran’s widows struggling from the financial effects of the pandemic. “In order to properly celebrate Veterans Day, we must do more than offer our thanks and appreciation. We need to fight for the support and resources that veterans have earned and deserve, and that’s exactly what Chaplain Walker does every single day. As long as I have the privilege to serve on the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I will look to Chaplain Walker as an exemplary model of what it means to serve our veterans with reverence and resolve. I am deeply grateful for Chaplain Walker’s continued service to our veterans, and I am proud to recognize him as my Constituent of the Month.” Representative Levin’s Constituent of the Month program recognizes outstanding North County San Diego and South Orange County Residents who have gone above and beyond to help their neighbors, give back to their community, and make the country stronger. Levin’s Constituent of the Month for October was Oscarin Ortega, Founder and Executive Director of Lived Experiences, a community program providing support and guidance to underrepresented youth. His September Constituent of the Month was Michelle Harvey founder of the San Diego Face Mask Sewing Group, a Facebook community page dedicated to sewing face masks for donation. To nominate a resident of the 49th District to be the Constituent of the Month, fill out this nomination form. Comments are closed.
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