Assessor Dronenburg Certifies 2020 Assessment Roll With a 5.18% Increase Record Savings for Taxpayers & Disabled Veterans San Diego, CA - San Diego County Assessor Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. has certified and closed the 2020 assessed value roll of all taxable property with a record setting high value of $604.75 billion reflecting an increase of 5.18 percent (or $29.78 billion) over last year. The 2020 assessment roll is comprised of 1,004,808 real estate parcels, 56,689 business personal property accounts, 13,444 boats and 1,554 aircraft. The County’s net assessed value is $581.53 billion after deducting $23.22 billion from a record high reduction of property tax exemptions that saved over $230 million for homeowners, disabled veterans, and charitable organizations. Assessor Dronenburg remarked, “The 2020 property tax roll reflects a robust real estate market as of the state mandated January 1, 2020 valuation date.” Dronenburg continued, “Properties impacted by COVID-19 will have their values reflected in the 2021 assessment roll per state law, however, my office is proactively working to provide relief to COVID-19 impacted taxpayers.”
Dronenburg noted, “The 2020 property tax roll highlights the genius of Proposition 13 delivering on its two key promises that property owners can budget for their predictable limited property tax increases that make homeownership achievable, while delivering government a reliable and predictable revenue source for funding key services, like schools and first responders.” Dronenburg continued “Without Proposition 13 many homeowners and seniors on fixed incomes would have seen their property taxes double or triple within the last few years causing them to potentially lose their homes in order to pay their property taxes.” Dronenburg concluded, “Thanks to Prop. 13, no homeowner should lose their home to unaffordable property taxes and no government should lack funding as Prop. 13 has insulated them from the current Coronavirus pandemic or the usual booms and busts of the capital markets.” The 2020 assessment roll reflected record property tax savings for taxpayers. The Taxpayer Advocate outreach program with the exemption teams qualified over 480,000 homeowners for over $36 million in savings from the Homeowners’ Exemption, saved 10,108 San Diego County 100 percent disabled veterans over $14,000,000 in property taxes using the Disabled Veterans’ Exemption, and qualified over 5,000 welfare institutions such as schools, churches, museums, and non-profits for property tax relief savings of over $230 million. Highlights From the 2020 Assessment Roll
Assessor Dronenburg expressed special appreciation for his staff’s hard work and dedication to closing the 2020 assessment roll on time during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic changed the way the Assessor’s office does business, and with little notice staff transitioned to telecommuting while continuing to efficiently serve the public through online and telephone services. Dronenburg concluded, “I applaud my extraordinary Assessor staff for their extra efforts and fortitude while making sure we closed the tax roll as promised during this unprecedented challenging time.” Assessed values are available to property owners online. Please go to and click on the “2020 Notification of Taxable Value” link. Property tax exemption applications are also available on the website under the “Forms” menu. Additionally, assessed values and property tax exemption information are available by calling the Assessor’s office at (619) 236-3771. Assessor Dronenburg is available for media interviews: Call 619-372-0226. Comments are closed.
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